Friday, July 5, 2013

Heaven and Hell.

' Only a wicked man would derive such benefit from good works. A good man, on the other hand, would simply be worn out and bad tempered'

One of those lines that makes you remember a story by. For me Shantaram, with all its thrills and the goofy love story, is rather about these words.

 Time and again i think about these line and it kills me (like the old sport Holden used to ), partly due to the abundance of time, partly due to lack of any schedule and partly due to the undeniable genuineness of the statement.  Aren't  we all doing good things to compensate for the past bad deeds?  I for one try this sort of cleansing exercise because there are so many past wrongs that cannot be righted that all that remains with us in order to overcome that sense of guilt is to do a good deed. We all have this dark side, filled with things we are not proud of, things that remain with us for way too long,things that propel us to and most of the time dwarf all these good deeds. In short there is hardly a deed that is bona fide per say, we all try to look for 'what is in it for me' part of any deed.

Thinking about what's there in it for me in upcoming time, pretty much everything! innit? (i always wanted to use 'innit' after watching goodness gracious me, feels like a dream come true for me *brushes away the proud tears*)  Having freedom after so long feels good, not receiving a message on the second last day of every month informing me that a certain amount has been credited to my account feels bad. There remains a lot of good and bad of this time off  that i can jot down here, but the biggest thing right now is to get over this little year long hiatus from this space and start shitting my mind out.

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