Wednesday, July 7, 2010

dabloo dabloo effff!!!!!!

I was so much intrigued by the whole wrestling thing when i was a kid , fighting with pillows and imagining myself fighting in the ring ...wrestlers were like my idols....i used to try like hell to raise my brows like rock... but soon i realized that its all make believe and lost interest in it...but recently i downloaded a wrestling podcast and realized some facts about the business.
Professional Wrestling is lot more than what we see on the surface .We are interested in seeing some heavy-duty fighting …see the face character ultimately win over the heel guy and be ENTERTAINED, it’s a simple equation for the viewers – they want their money’s worth in the ring .But the wrestlers have a tough task at their hand, they have to do the stuff week in week out, no getting away from the fact that its their bread and butter .Still the commitment and the effort that they put in to make it look 100% real and the way they put their body on the line in commendable .Lately there has been a growing trend of wrestlers dying young and mainly due to substance abuse and addiction to the prescription pills .The latest entry to this sad list is Umaga who died last December mainly due to the pills which proved fatal ,ultimately leading to heart attack .He was just 36 year old .This is not the only case ,there have been many such instances .More famous wrestlers like Eddie Guerrero (my personal favorite ),Chris benoit ,Andre the giant ,big bossman ,crash holly and recently the TEST , have all died of the same cause i.e. addiction to painkillers. This tells us how much stress is involved in the so called ENTERTAINMENT business, wrestlers seek some tranquility to get away from the physical and mental pain and then they became totally enslaved to these pills.
Is the wrestling business so tough that it propels the wrestlers to give up on life so easily? Or is it the case of wrestlers willingly falling in the pitfall, treading a path that has no way out. The stats show that a wrestler’s life expectancy is going down day by day ….hardly any wrestler lives till the age of 60 .This is the biggest blot on wwe’s global image. Some even blame the ringleader Vince McMahon for the tragic incidents and see him as money making businessman. Ironically, The deaths in the ‘fake ‘wrestling are not that fake.
P.S.- if you ever get a chance please watch Oscar nominated movie’ THE WRESTLER’ starring Mickey Rourke…Though it only shows what’s wrong with professional wrestling but surely it is an eye opener and shows the grim reality of the wrestling business .

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