Friday, November 28, 2008

.....enter sandman

life has its own facets ,you really don't know when would it show the next one .i thinks that's. life ,it stuns you in a split second and smiles and says 'GOTCHA!'.Although there are few signs ,like the silence before apocalypse. You are made to realize that it aint for granted and you shud better mend your ways .sometime you have to face the music but luckily for some life does give a chance and demonstrates the upheaval on somebody else. You can only show your pity, sympathy for the scapegoat but deep down you ought to accept it that you are happy, happy for being fortunate enough to be on the fence, sitting and learning from others experience, down the line one really has that frustration, disgust, thinking why does life needs to be that stern, although you may not be the victim, but seeing the hardships really does raises your conscience. Reasoning starts to grope u, and the conclusion is –why cant the world be a bit of wonderland we expect it to be, why adversities are omnipresent. Maybe its all like life transitory and every teaching just learned gets evaporated in the daily hustle bustle. Although u maybe reminded of hard earned wisdom as u hear a knock and maybe again enters sandman….


XYZ said...

finaly a blog u wrote without your headphones on...or atleast it sounds so..least to say -very thoughtful.
n one thing i disagree with is wishing to be in wonderland -a standardized life is worst thing dat could ever happen to anyone it steals away excitement from ur life when you don’t have any expectations of something drastic happening to you and it all becomes boring also it ensures you never get a chance to be a hero –wen everything happens like it should, u get no chance to fight n hence no chance to win over others .I m sure dat at times u think d same-its just a matter of one’s mood
n its gud dat atleast u heed d waking call no matter u react to it or not

Arpit Kumar said...
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Arpit Kumar said...

you always say that i live in wonderlands and i respond with the url of my blog . cause i am by my wonderland , so i think we all are , but the time has finally come when very soon they'll be shattered into bits and pieces that you might never come back to again . wait and watch . life will be soon a lot more than we thought it is .!!!!!!!!!!
are we having fun yet?????
thanks for nickleback

Sarthak Anand said...

ya its abt life
well yes m happy to be inside da fence n i always thng dat wat has happnd to others...if dat wud have been wid us(fingers crossed)
same way... in an instant ...the life will leave us shattered
& da commnt on ur blog..i do realise the teacher's remarks frm...u knw

Sarthak Anand said...

are to phr wo blog dalta kyo nai
draft me pade pade kya pakk jaega?

aneesh said...

haven't completed it yet