Wednesday, May 16, 2012


There are teachers who make you study and there are teachers who make you learn.Just a tad bit of difference but difference it is. As we grow up teachers seem to lose the kind of respect and reverence that they earlier used to have in our minds, we all have a pet name for each and we mock them behind their backs but some teachers have this special place in our heart even after we are through with school or college, they remain as a cornerstone for your development, a driving force for you long after. 
Watching wonder years is like revisiting my own childhood, the teenage, school life and the issues.This particular episode goodbye made me think,think about how very few teachers find respect in one's mind and how you squander the chance to really show your gratitude or repay them by getting great grades/marks. Time and time again the teachers who had trust in me, never got anything in return except for disappointment.Somehow i couldn't manage to give anyone of them a fitting farewell, i know marks are not the be all and end all and i can recollect so many of the hindi and economics classes(i had like to add marketing too,but college is a different field all along) but still, marks are all that's there to justify.
You get goose bumpy while watching the episode, Mr.collins, the maths teacher though tough outside helps the boy overcome his fear for maths and tries to inculcate belief, which is displayed at the end when he has to take this test and he solves it and gives it to the invigilator saying - you don't have to grade it,it's an A. It's strange how a show so distant from our culture and so beyond our time can still connect and display the essence of growing up. 
As for myself , hopefully i still have few more exams to take and teachers to know and respect in life, hope once i can be sure enough to say - you don't have to grade it,it's an A
P.S.  on second thoughts, the title seems like my ode to a single malt scotch maker but i had no options, plus another way to pimp my blog, who knows if i get more views by this i may overhaul this thing into a beverage blog.

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